Charity Tax back on your Donation

You can help us make your donation go even further! If you have donated €250 (or more) to BUMBLEance in any calendar year, we can claim charity tax back from Revenue at absolutely no cost to you! Revenue could give BUMBLEance up to 45% tax back on each donation of €250 (or more). Imagine the difference that could make! All we need is your signature and a moment of your time.

If you have donated €250 (or more), either as a one-off donation or cumulative donation, just take the following steps…

            Samantha Jones,
            2 James St.,
            Co Kerry.
            V92 T6P


  • BUMBLEance can only claim tax back on donations. We cannot claim tax on funds you have raised through sponsorship or events.
  • Members of the public cannot claim charity tax back. If the charity does not claim the tax back it simply stays with Revenue permanently.
  • The charity tax claim has absolutely no implication on your own annual taxes.
  • As of January 2013, if you are self-assessed for tax, charities can now claim back tax on donations made by self-assessed individuals.
  • Your details are confidential to BUMBLEance and the Revenue Commissioners.
  • If you prefer, we can post a form to you. Just contact us at the number below to let us know.
  • If you are a company, treat your donation(s) as a normal business expense, deductible at the appropriate rate of corporation tax. If you need us to resend a donation receipt or if you require further information, please get in touch with us at the numbers below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the form. Your donation and the subsequent claim is helping children all over Ireland receive comfort, transport and care as they face some of life’s toughest challenges.

For more information contact Samantha, on 083 004 4444, or click here to get in touch.